Creative Projects that explore how Jesus
did life with real people

Dramatic Encounters with Jesus:
The drama of when Heaven and Earth intersect.


Theologians, commentators and practitioners share insights of moments where people in the Gospels have profound encounters with Jesus.


Actors, film makers, musicians and artists are documented as they produce scripts, visualise context, and shape artistic responses.


A final film is crafted from the synthesis of all the elements of conversation, rehearsal and the creative process.

Dramatic Encounters with Jesus

The stories of Jesus can seem irrelevant in a westernised world, yet they have captivated every culture in every age for 2000 years. Artists, writers and philosophers have been inspired to celebrate and explore these stories as they navigate their own humanity and spirituality.

When Jesus interacts, listens to, talks with and does life with people he shines a light on what it might mean to be spiritually human.

With a combination of teaching, writing, performing, composing, and filming, Dramatic Encounters With Jesus takes these interactions and gives the viewer and the listener an experience that will stimulate thinking, develop faith, inspire creativity, and enable insight into how Jesus is actually doing life now in everyday living.
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Our Goals


There will be two series of four 45 minute programmes each. The first series will be based on stories in John's gospel and the second in Luke's gospel.


Each programme will show the creative process of the actors, musicians and filmmakers, drawing on the bible teachers’ filmed conversations.


Each programme will culminate in a short film showing the result of the creative process; the dramatised performance, cinematography, music, art direction, editing and location.


Each programme will also feature the resulting music video of the song written by the musicians as they listen to the teachers, watch the performers, and are inspired by the cinematography.


60 minute films of the whole conversation between the teachers and theologians. 30 minute films of the whole songwriting process.


Study guides, notes and commentary to complement and enhance the viewers' understanding and engagement experience.


When the programmes have been released we plan to create an accessible, immersive installation that merges the sights, sounds and words of the dramatic encounters with Jesus.
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Can you support us?

Each episode will need finance to produce, filmed using actors and contributors in the both the USA and UK.

The full suite of video elements will be made available alongside each episode including the full commentators discussion, both the songwriting and filmmaking processes, accompanying notes and stand-alone versions of the final film and song.

The end user will be able to subscribe and download each product.

Please use the contact form to get involved in this groundbreaking project.
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Who are we?


Creative Director
Martin Young is a writer, speaker and mentor based in the heart of the UK. His vision is to see people flourish through living out the Kingdom of God in their everyday situations.

Find out more about Martin Young at

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